One would think bed bugs can only be found crawling around in mattresses.
Apparently not.
Yes, you can catch bedbugs from anywhere. Despite their name, bedbugs aren’t actually limited to beds and can live anywhere that’s soft, warm, and which has a regular food supply. While this means our beds are the perfect home for them as we sleep in them every day, bedbugs are resilient and can make a home on the sofa, in the carpet, in furniture showrooms, and on public transport.
A lot of people equate bedbugs with poor maintenance. That’s not true! Some of the best-kept homes, hotels…even buses… have had to deal with these parasites.
Buses, trains, and even taxis are ideal for bedbugs as they’re warm and sheltered, with a steady supply of food (that’s us!) coming and going all day long. As bedbugs need blood meals before they can lay eggs, they can rapidly infest seats on public transport and, on occasion, whole buses and train carriages.

About the size of an apple seed, bedbugs hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards, bed frames and any other objects around a bed. The risk of encountering bedbugs increases if you spend time in places with high turnovers of nighttime guests — such as hotels, hospitals or homeless shelters.
KSRTC fights bedbugs in its non-AC buses too
Christin Mathew Philip | TNN | Updated: Nov 8, 2019

BENGALURU: After air-conditioned (AC) premium buses, the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has begun treating bedbug-infested non-AC buses in its fleet.
Earlier, KSRTC had been fumigating only AC buses, but now the corporation has decided to extend it to Karnataka Sarige services as well. The move came after some passengers from non-AC buses complained about begbugs. Central Warehouse Corporation has been entrusted with the job of removing the bugs.

Video shows alleged bed bugs on SEPTA bus
A woman says she was on Bus 26 going to Torresdale Ave. when she was bitten.
By Anna │September 5, 2018

SEPTA officials are investigating after two unsettling videos emerged this week, depicting several brown bugs crawling over the fabric on the back of a bus seat.
One video was posted online Wednesday afternoon by Crystal Lopez, who says she was on SEPTA bus 26 to Torresdale Avenue Tuesday when she was bitten by what she believes are bed bugs. Lopez said she had her arm draped over the back of the seat when she suddenly felt a burning sensation. When she moved her arm, she saw the bites—and the bugs.
“There were over 1,000,” Lopez estimated, adding, “They were coming out of the cracks in the seat. It was a lot.”
So I would like to share with everyone what I experienced on the #26 #septabus yesterday this is disgusting this goes to show that septa is not clean you know how many people I’m sure took bed bugs home with them yesterday this is unacceptable I definitely made a complaint to the septa supervisor
Lopez quickly told the driver, who pulled the bus over and ordered everyone off.
To get rid of this menace, authorities seem to be spending a lot of money on bedbug control and eradication methods, but nothing seems to be effective enough.
To get the solution, why not we opt for the low hazard, low-toxic, and eco- friendly products provided by C Tech Corporation.
At C Tech Corporation, we manufacture a product named Termirepel™ which is an anti-termite and insect repellent. The product works on the mechanism of repellence and does not kill the target species but repel them. The product is effective against a broad spectrum of insects and does not cause any harm to humans and other non-target species.
Termirepel™ is available in the form of a spray, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, and masterbatch.
Termirepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like seating cushion, water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment, etc. This would result in the final application being insect repellent.
Termirepel™ liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of the buses, depots, washrooms, canteens, etc. to repel bedbugs and other insects from the area required as per need.
Termirepel™ an insect repellent spray is an easy to use product and compatible with most of the surfaces. A bedbug repellent spray is available which can be diluted in water and can be sprayed later as per need to repel the bugs.
Termirepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as seats, wires and cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, concrete, polymer, ceramic, etc.
Termirepel™ wood polish additive can be mixed with wood polish and then applied on wooden articles and objects to protect them from insect attack.
Termirepel™ is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.
Hence by using Termirepel™, you can get rid of the bedbugs and other insects.
Contact us at if you’re facing problems with bedbugs and get the best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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