Cotton crop under threat

Cotton is a fantastic success story in India, catapulting it to the highest rank as cotton producer and second largest exporter. From about 17 million bales in the early 2000’s, production was more than doubled, generating a genuine export surplus for the world market till 2017. But after that, the world’s largest producer of cotton saw losses due to pest infestations and is expected to decrease its total cotton plantation sites for the 2018-19 season.

Pink bollworm infestation is pushing cotton production estimates down in India this year due to crop damage in the country’s major cotton-growing states. In a major disappointment for new entrant farmers, cotton crop has come under severe pest and bollworm attacks in major producing states, which is sparking fears of a sharp decline in India’s fibre productivity this Kharif season.

While a substantial cotton area came under whitefly attack in Punjab and Haryana, pink bollworm was reported to have attacked standing crop in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. Consequently, analysts have started revising estimates of cotton output growth for the current season to 4-5 percent now from 10 percent earlier on a sharp increase in the menace caused by these bollworms.

Last year, many farmers in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana reported huge cotton output loss due to pink bollworm attack on the standing crop. The decline in output in major producing states prompted the government to reduce its cotton production forecast 5-7 percent for harvesting season 2016-17.

Bollworm management is based on scouting for eggs or small larvae. Treatment is recommended when 10 eggs or five small worms per 100 plants are present during early bloom in late July and early August. Preventative treatment that might be applied during the pre-bloom period is discouraged because this can destroy many beneficial forms that keep bollworms and other pests under control. Chemical control is seldom effective after worms exceed ½ inch in length (five days old, third instar). Once the cotton has blooms within four to five nodes of the top of the plant, the need for bollworm control is usually over for the season. However, the impact of late-season treatments will depend on the weather and in some cases these late blooms can add to final yields and thus treatments may be justified if populations are heavy and the weather remains favorable.

The news was reported that:

Pink bollworm infected 83 percent cotton cultivation, says Maharashtra minister
By: Express News Service | Mumbai | Published: March 8, 2018

About 83 per cent of the farm land under cotton cultivation in Maharashtra have been ravaged by the pink bollworm attack, Agriculture Minister Pandurang Fundkar said on Wednesday. The pink bollworm (PBW) are known to eat away the cotton fibre and the bolls, causing economic losses to farmers. Fundkar informed the legislative assembly that the total crop loss had been measured at Rs 3,414 crore.

Six farmers attempt suicide during protest in Maharashtra
Published by Pamela Raghunath, Corresponent│April 19, 2018

Indian farmers were protesting against government’s failure in not completing several development works when six farmers attempted suicide by drinking poison in front of the local administration’s office in Manvat, Parbhani district, Maharashtra, on Thursday.

On April 1, a 25-year-old distressed farmer, Bharat Survase, attempted suicide and is battling for life due to mounting debts and a failed cotton crop that was destroyed by the pink bollworm, a menace faced by cotton growers.

Earlier, a 75-year-old farmer from Yavatmal district had lighted his own pyre of fodder under a tree and immolated himself by jumping into the fire. The farmer, Madhav Shankar Rawate, had seen his cotton crop on his four-acre farm being destroyed by the pink bollworm attack. He owed Rs60,000 (Dh 3,346) to creditors.

One of the ways to combat the moth is to set pheromone traps across their fields and catch enough of the male of the species to prevent any further breeding. But this primitive method of catching the Pink Bollworm is simply beyond the comprehension of the farmers. Firstly, you need at least 40 such traps per acre for these to be effective. Pheromones, mixed with natural ingredients like glossyplure, confuse the male moths who mistake the traps for females but farmers who have used it reported poor results.

Along with the above-mentioned methods, fumigation of pesticides is used to keep these pests away from the crop. But these methods are proved to be of no use.

So, what to use to keep these bollworms away?

Termirepel™ a C Tech Corporation product is best to deal with the nuisance caused by these pests.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, REACH, ISO, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Our Termirepel™  masterbatch can be incorporated in the agricultural films, polymer materials, green house films, polymer sprinklers, irrigation pipes, plastic parts from pumps and tractors used in the fields.

The product in form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be painted on the concrete walls around the farms.

Our lacquer product can be applied on already installed applications. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metals, wood, polymers, concrete etc. It can be applied on the wooden fences around the farms and already installed pipes.

Termirepel™ does not kill the target species but only repels them thus balancing the ecology and thus helping in maintaining the goal of sustainability.

This product work on the mechanism of green technology. The product does not have any adverse effect on humans. Therefore significant in today’s time and date as ecology salvation has become the prime focus.

Get in touch with us at to combat the menace caused by ballworm and other insects.

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Havoc caused by Stink bugs!

“Car importing ‘seriously disrupted’ by stink bugs onboard vessels” – Stuff

“Stink bug prevents thousands of vehicle deliveries in NZ” – Eyewitness News

The headlines from this news are horrifying!

Can you imagine the havoc caused by these tiny creatures?!

The pesky insect, stink bug, is causing a loss in business due to its invading activity.

As stated above, the car transporters are forced to take their ships back to the port so as to stop the spread of these insects from one country to another.

Why is so much of care taken to stop the invasion of this insect?

That’s because the stink bug can be nuisance causing and the nuisance cannot be tolerated!

The stink bug earned its name from its tendency to release an odor when disturbed or when crushed. Many other insects have these same characteristics, including some species of ants, beetles, and other bugs. Stink bugs emit this foul odor whenever they feel threatened or when crushed. This method of defense proves to be a very successful tactic against any potential predators.

The bug originates from China, Taiwan, and Japan. Stink bug can reach ¾ of an inch in length. Stink bug can be brown, grey or dark green colored. Dorsal side of the body is covered with black, white, reddish or gray markings.

Stink bug can be found in gardens, orchards, on the agricultural fields, and near the human settlements. It is classified as a pest in most countries outside its native range because it feeds on fruit and agricultural crops. Each year, stink bugs inflict damage worth millions of dollars. People cannot eradicate these bugs easily because they have few natural enemies and tolerate pesticides that normally kill other bugs.

Stink bugs have the potential to spread throughout any country, which could be harmful to the agricultural industry, as they destroy crops. Although stink bugs are not known to bite humans, their tendency to invade homes in high numbers can be a nuisance.

Below is the evidence for the nuisance caused by stink bugs

Stink bugs threaten New Zealand car imports

19 February 2018 BBC News

Thousands of jobs are at risk in New Zealand’s car sales industry because of a particularly problematic insect, it’s reported.

According to Radio New Zealand, the discovery of hundreds of brown marmorated stink bugs aboard cargo ships bringing some 12,000 cars from Japan to New Zealand mean that the car carriers are being turned away to be fumigated.

According to the NZ Herald there’s no facility in New Zealand which can deal with the pest, so at least three of the ships are “floating aimlessly in the Pacific”.

The stink bug, which is native to areas of East Asia but can also be found in Europe and the Americas, is a problem for fruit farmers around the world. The beetle voraciously sucks the liquid out of fruits and its toxins cause the plants to die. They have the potential to cause major damage to New Zealand’s entire fruit and vegetable industry, says.

Stink bugs on ships disrupt Japan’s car exports
by Michelle Toh   @michelletoh235 February 20, 2018

A pesky insect known as the “stink bug” is preventing thousands of Japanese cars from being delivered to New Zealand.

Three cargo ships carrying imported cars and machinery were refused entry at New Zealand ports this month after they were found to have hordes of the bugs aboard, according to New Zealand authorities.

Stink bugs are a major threat in New Zealand, a remote island nation that goes to great lengths to protect its natural ecosystem from foreign pests.

The critters could wreak havoc across the country’s farms. They tend to reproduce quickly, eat a broad variety of crops and resist most pesticides.

When these bugs have got immune to insecticides, what can be the solution to keep them away from the areas where they cause a nuisance?

C Tech Corporation has a solution to stop the nuisance caused by the stink bugs!

TermirepelTM an anti-insect aversive is the best solution to combat the menace caused by stink bugs.

TermirepelTM is available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated with the base polymers like PVC, LDPE, HDPE, etc. while manufacturing polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, polymeric harnesses, polymeric ship and automobile parts etc.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

The liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and can be applied as a topical application on interior and exterior of ships. The bottoms of ships get attacked by fungus. These places can be covered using our product.

The lacquer can be applied topically on a variety of surfaces like the wood, concrete, polymeric surfaces, metals, etc. Our wood polish additive can be added to the polish used to cover the wooden parts. The ships can be coated using our lacquer and wood polish to keep the pests away.

These products temporarily inhibit the mating cycle of the insects. It temporarily impairs the ability of insects to reproduce, i.e. the female will not lay eggs. The product triggers an unpleasant reaction within any insect which might try to feed on the application, ensuring that it is kept away from feeding on the treated area. It temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Below is the picture from one of a ship where our product was used in its kitchen, pantry areas and dining area, storage rooms, space between the bulkheads, ceiling panels, bedding areas, locker rooms, the outlet of the lavatory, gangways, and pontoons. Our bed bug repellent was sprayed on mattress and couches from the ships. The application of our products helped the ship to be free from pest attack.

Use TermirepelTM  to keep ships safe from pests!

If you are facing problems against the pests you may contact us on:

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Boxelder bug: Nuisance to homeowners

Do you have invasive insects with red strips causing nuisance around your homes?!

You might find those as it is spring now.

They are the Boxelder bugs!

At about 1/2-inch long, boxelder bugs are black with three red stripes, vertical edge lines on their bodies, and red lines on the edges of its wings. These markings make it appear its wings form an upside-down V when they are resting with their wings lying flat.

Boxelder bugs are named for their primary host, the boxelder tree. They are one of the destructive agricultural pests. They cause damage to apples, peaches, grapes, strawberries, plums and non-fruiting trees including maple and ash. Boxelder bugs are sap suckers, penetrating plant tissue with their considerable proboscis and using secretions to make it consumable. They almost exclusively feed on the Acer family of maple trees and vines that includes the boxelder and its spinning “helicopter” seed pods but have also been known to feed on fruit during dry summers. Infestations on box elder trees may cause its leaves to yellow and curl or leave spots on stems and new growth. Most trees survive. Damage to grapes, peaches, and other soft fruits is mostly cosmetic, appearing as depressions, sometimes as bruises.

“They can be a real nuisance,” says Sharon Yiesla, plant information specialist at The Morton Arboretum.

They are the much bigger nuisance to homeowners. They seek and enter houses in colonies of hundreds, even thousands of insects as cold weather approaches, congregating in walls and warm basements, making themselves at home all through winter and occasionally emerging into kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, and other human-inhabited spaces. Indoors, the bugs can be a major problem.

Warm weather or an increase in home heating may convince individual boxelder bugs that spring has arrived and they will enter a family’s living space in search of a way outside. In late summer and autumn, when they gather in groups much like swarms of bees on the sun-facing, preferably white side of homes and garages where their sheer numbers will discolor the building’s side is allowed to stay.

“They’re strictly a plant feeder. If they find a little place to get behind the wall, then they’ll eventually hunker down for months,” says Whitney Cranshaw, a professor of Entomology at CSU.

You can see how the home-owners from Mid-Michigan are troubled by these pests!

Boxelder bugs invading Mid-Michigan homes this fall

Posted: Thu 8:52 AM, Oct 19, 2017|

EAST LANSING, Mich. (WILX)- It’s not just stink bugs, but boxelder bugs are also invading homes as well this fall. Researchers at Michigan State University say the bugs are trying to find shelter for the winter.

According to the bug experts, the boxelder bugs invade homes during the fall looking to stay in attics for the winter. You might have noticed clusters of them on the south and west sides of homes where they congregate in the warm autumn sun. While the bugs can be annoying, they are considered harmless and a nuisance. They do not bite, lay eggs in homes, eat fabrics, or get into stored foods.

Researchers say one of the best ways to stop them from coming inside, is to remove any female boxelder trees on your property if possible. Sealing exterior cracks and holes with caulk can also greatly reduce the number of bugs inside your home.

Once the bugs get inside, experts say it is hard to get them out. They say even aggressive and costly insecticide applications may not be effective because it is nearly impossible to treat every hidden area that may be harboring the insects. A vacuum cleaner can help remove the sluggish bugs.

They have caused nuisance in more homes from North York as well.

Swarms of boxelder bugs cover homes in North York and Etobicoke

There is a notable boom of boxelder bugs in Toronto this year, but experts say they’re harmless

By Laura DaSilva, CBC News Posted: Oct 08, 2016

Nelia Teves can’t walk into her North York house without a handful of black and red cockroach-esque critters flying in behind her.

“Our entire neighbourhood is covered in them,” Teves said.

She reached out to CBC News to find out what they are and whether she should be worried.

It turns out, they’re more of an annoyance than a threat. They’re called boxelder bugs and they’re known as “nuisance pests.”

Pest control methods have been used to stop the menace the caused by Box-elder bugs. But those methods did not work to stop the nuisance caused by these pests. The homeowners have tried different sprays and electronic devices to stop the menace, but they could not get rid of these pests.

To stop the nuisance caused by these bugs there is a need for an effective solution and C Tech Corporation has one!

The unique product TermirepelTM manufactured by C Tech Corporation is an anti-insect aversive which repels insects.

TermirepelTM is available in the form of the masterbatch, which can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, agricultural films etc. to keep the boxelder bugs at bay.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio and lacquer which can be applied topically on the applications.

To keep the insects at the bay  TermirepelTM lacquer can be sprayed or coated on the tree trunks.

The product is also effective against a multitude of other insects and pests like beetles, mayflies, thrips, aphids, etc. The repelling mechanism of the product would ward off the boxelder bugs and other insects that could cause damage. Thus, by using  TermirepelTM would effectively ensure that the area around us remain safe and protected from the pests for a long period of time.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Why resort to killing when we can just repel them!?

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

In such a way the insects can be repelled and the damage caused by them can be prevented without killing them.

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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Red ants menace in Train.

Ants have colonized almost every landmass on Earth. The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands. Ants thrive in most ecosystems and may form 15–25% of the terrestrial animal biomass. Their success in so many environments has been attributed to their social organization and their ability to modify habitats, tap resources, and defend themselves. Their long co-evolution with other species has led to mimetic, commensal, parasitic, and mutualistic relationships.

Over here we discuss the problem caused by Red ants also known as Fire ants. The fire ant is the common name for several species of ants in the genus Solenopsis. They are, however, only a minority in the genus, which includes over 200 species of Solenopsis worldwide. Solenopsis are stinging ants and most of their common names reflect this, for example, ginger ants and tropical fire ants. Many species also are called red ants because of their light brown color, though species of ants in many other genera are similarly named for similar reasons. Examples include Myrmica rubra and Pogonomyrmex barbatus.

The bodies of mature fire ants, like the bodies of all typical mature insects, are divided into three sections: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, with three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae. Fire ants of those species invasive in the United States can be distinguished from other ants locally present, by their copper brown head and body with a darker abdomen. The worker ants are blackish to reddish, and their size varies from 2 to 6 mm (0.079 to 0.236 in). In an established nest, these different sizes of ants are present at the same time.

A typical fire ant colony produces large mounds in open areas and feeds mostly on young plants and seeds. Fire ants often attack small animals and can kill them. Unlike many other ants, which bite and then spray acid on the wound, fire ants bite only to get a grip and then sting (from the abdomen) and inject a toxic alkaloid venom called Solenopsin, a compound from the class of piperidines. For humans, this is a painful sting, a sensation similar to what one feels when burned by fire and the after-effects of the sting can be deadly to sensitive people. Fire ants are more aggressive than most native species and so have pushed many species away from their local habitat These ants are renowned for their ability to survive extreme conditions. They do not hibernate, but can survive cold conditions, although this is costly to fire ant populations as observed during several winters, where 80 to 90% of colonies died due to several consecutive days of extremely low temperatures.

Fire ants nest in the soil, often near moist areas, such as river banks, pond shores, watered lawns, and highway shoulders. Usually, the nest will not be visible, as it will be built under objects such as timber, logs, rocks, pillars or bricks. If there is no cover for nesting, dome-shaped mounds will be constructed, but these are usually only found in open spaces, such as fields, parks, and lawns. These mounds can reach heights of 40 cm (16 in) but can be even higher on heavier soils, standing at 1.0m in height and 1.5m in diameter. Colonies are founded by small groups of queens or single queens. Even if only one queen survives, within a month or so, the colony can expand to thousands of individuals. Some colonies may be polygynous (having multiple queens per nest). These ants thrive on wood, fruits or any consumable product. Thermoplastics materials have always attracted ants and insects. The plasticizers usually have a bright color. They also have aromatic odors of polymers which attract ants and insects. Thus ants and insect confuse it for the food This makes them nibble on the plastic thus damaging it and causing huge economic loss.

Below Articles is related to the loss caused by ants.

Mumbai: Local train brakes failed due to red ants, probe reveals

Express News Service, Mumbai, November 19, 2015.

Review of a brake fail in a local train on November 17 at Matunga on the Central Line has shown that the equipment malfunction could be caused by corrosion of the brake panel due to red ants.

The local was sent to Kurla Car Shed for examination which showed that red ants inside the brake panel had damaged the cable wires, causing failure in application of brake.

The motorman had switched to emergency brakes after he failed to stop the train in the regular way.

“It was 11.47 am at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (CST) and the local was from Kalyan. The problem occurred when the train reached Matunga station and the motorman failed to apply the brake,” said a source from the Central Railway (CR). At Kurla Shed, the entire panel inside the motorman’s cabin was opened which revealed crowding of red ants in all controls.

C Tech Corporation, an Indian company has come up with an impeccable solution to counteract problems caused by such insect. Termirepel ™ is a non-toxic, non-hazardous termite/insect repellent which has been designed for various polymeric applications as well as natural materials. It is a unique blend of green chemistry and smart technology which acts as an effective repellent and at the same time guarantees safety to the environment, plants, animals and fragile ecosystem.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

The product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into the base polymer of the polymeric applications like the wires and cables, pipes, household utilities, etc. to keep the pest away from the application.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be applied on the interior and exterior of the houses, schools, hospitals, warehouses, offices etc. to keep these areas safe from these pests.

The product available in the form of lacquer form can be used as a direct application. The lacquer can be applied on the already installed applications like the wires and cable, pipes, metal decors, racks and pallets from stores rooms etc.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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Fishy Silverfish

You might have noticed some shiny creatures moving around your place, specifically during the night.

If yes, then your house is invaded by the annoying silverfish!

This insect gets its name from its silvery, metallic appearance and fish-like shape and movements. Silverfish have no wings or fins but are able to run very fast. The adult silverfish is brown-gray or silvery and grayish blue in color while the newly hatched eggs are whiter in hue. This said appearance will change into grayish and metallic blue as the silverfish gets older. They tend to hide their presence from humans which means any damage they have caused could go unnoticed as well.

They are nocturnal creatures that normally roam homes late at night, in search of food and water. Their flat bodies make them ideal hiders capable of squeezing into even the smallest cracks and crevices during daylight hours. They are often associated with basements, closets, bookcases, and storage areas. These insects cannot climb on smooth vertical surfaces and may be found trapped in sinks, bathtubs, and similar places. Despite the circumstantial evidence, they do not come up out of drains.

Silverfish consume matter that contains polysaccharides, such as starches and dextrin in adhesives.
These include book bindings, carpet, clothing, coffee, dandruff, glue, hair, some paints, paper, photos, plaster, sugar, flour and rolled oats. They will damage wallpaper in order to consume the paste. Other substances they may eat include cotton, dead insects, linen, silk, or even their own exuvia. During the famine, a silverfish may even attack leather ware and synthetic fabrics.

Their damage is usually recognized from their irregular feeding marks and the presence of feces. Silverfish can live up to a year without food but require a high humidity environment. A silverfish is strongly attracted to moisture and mold especially in places that have 75% to 95% humidity.  When they find a food supply, they try to make their nest as close to it as possible.

Silverfish leave small holes in materials they bite and may also cause yellow staining.
They tend to dwell in clothing and linen piles or plumbing. They can damage your favorites dresses!

Silverfish bugs are found in continents like the Americas, Australia, Africa, Asia and mostly in the Pacific region. Most of the time these insects are considered cosmopolitan pests as they are often found in most urban homes specifically in basements, showers, bathtubs, walls, and attics.

When these pests invade homes, they cause huge monetary losses and the tenants from Newcastle are complaining about the same.

Bug off: Newcastle housing association tenant in row with landlord over flat infestation

By Laura Hill – 11:00, 30 SEP 2017

A housing association tenant is locked in a row with his landlord after insects invaded his home.

Peter Harrison, who lives in flats on Waterloo Street in Newcastle, claims his home has been taken over by silverfish which he believes live in the block’s ventilation system.

The 48-year-old has said he has even spotted the tiny creatures in his bed but that landlord, Places for People, is refusing to take responsibility.

Mr. Harrison claims he paid £62 for the infestation to be dealt with after Places for People told him to deal with the issue himself.

But now that the bugs have returned, he says he doesn’t want to be constantly forking out cash for a problem he believes is down to the building.

Would you rent a home with mould and silverfish?
17 October 2016 – BBC News

Second-hand smoke, bad insulation, damp, mould, and silverfish. Would you move in somewhere if you knew this is what you’d have to deal with?

The housing charity Shelter has said 40% of people in the UK live in homes that do not reach acceptable standards in terms of cleanliness, safety and space.

This includes criteria such as having enough bedrooms, living somewhere affordable and living in a safe and secure area.

We’ve been speaking to some people who think it’s time they had better standards of living in their accommodation.

Apart from their nuisance value, silverfish invasion can cause major problems if they are not promptly eradicated and their future growth prevented.

Such a huge nuisance of this tiny species cannot be neglected. The pesticides and insecticides are proven to be ineffective against them. However, these methods are hazardous methods causing harm to targeted and non-targeted species.

C Tech Corporation can offer an eco-friendly solution to problems from silverfish. Our product TermirepelTM is low-toxic, non-hazardous and insect aversive. Our products work on the mechanism of repellence and they do not harm or kill the target species but generate fear or trigger temporary discomfort within the pests that keep the pests away from the application.

Our TermirepelTM masterbatch can be incorporated with various polymeric applications like pipes, wires and cables, agricultural and other protective films etc. while they are manufactured. This will prevent the silverfish from gnawing on the polymeric application.

TermirepelTM is available in liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be applied to interior and exterior of houses, offices, kitchens, pantries, warehouses, bathrooms, attics etc. The application of our product will repel the silverfish and keep away from these areas.

TermirepelTM is available in lacquer form. These products can be directly sprayed or applied to the application as a topical application. It can be used on bookshelves to protect the books. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like wood, metal, concrete, polymers, ceramics, etc.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Our product is compliant with RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, APVMA, NEA and REACH and is FIFRA exempted. The green technology-based product can protect our living spaces and prevent the loss caused by the silverfish and other insects as well.

Thus using our products you can get an effective solution to fight menace caused by silverfish and many such insects!

Contact us below to get best results on fighting pest nuisance:

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Invasive mealybugs

You must have seen something on plants that you first thought was a tiny piece of cotton, but then you realized that it was a living thing. Those tiny white bugs you noticed while watering your plants might be the mealybugs. These tiny pests are typically white in color, which comes from a wax produced by special glands on the top and sides of their bodies. Mealybugs are so small that they can come in undetected from a variety of sources: potting soil, other plants, fresh produce from the grocery store or farmers market.

Mealybugs are related to aphids, which are also covered with waxy secretions, so these two insects are often confused.

Mealybugs are experts at hiding on roots, in crevices and under lips and pots and planters. There are many species of mealybugs, all of which are very tiny. Some have longer tiny needle-like rods which look like tails, while others have longer rods extending around their bodies. Some species are more pink, yellow or light green in color, but most are white.

Mealybugs are tiny creatures—sometimes only half a millimeter long—which often congregate on the part of the plant where the leaves attach to the plant’s stem.

Mealybugs can look like little pieces of cotton on your plant. However, they will infest any area of the plant. When you just have one or two females, they can be harder to spot. However, once they start laying their egg sac or the eggs hatch, then they are much easier to spot because they tend to cover more areas of your infected plant.

All plant species are at risk for damage from a mealybug infestation. In warmer areas, citrus and ornamental plants are more severely impacted by this lawn pest. Tropical plants, woody trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals can also be attacked by this pest. Mealybugs feed by sucking sap from plant roots, crowns, stems, twigs, flowers, fruit and leaves.
If you are wondering what attracts mealybugs, understanding that these pests prefer plants with high levels of nitrogen.

Some mealybugs can spread viruses, but this is uncommon and primarily occurs with species which prefer grapevines. Mealybugs do not bite humans, although coming into contact with these creatures can sometimes cause skin irritation. The sticky residue mealybugs leave behind can be hard to remove from clothing.

The biggest threat mealybugs pose to humans is economic. Damage from these pests to agricultural crops can be significant and homeowners may be forced to discard impacted plants in cases of an infestation.

There is evidence pertaining to damages caused by mealybugs. Let us have a look at some evidence:

Mealy bugs attack Asia’s cassava farms

Sci Dev net, 11th April 2016

Pests and disease outbreaks are threatening to decrease cassava production by 30-40 per cent this year in South-East Asia, home of the world’s largest cassava producers. a. In Thailand, the mealybugs have infected 200,000 hectares of cassava plantations, resulting in 30-50 per cent yield loss.   In Indonesia, the mealybugs have infected areas in Java and southern Sumatra and are now heading to the eastern part of Indonesia, where cassava is a primary food source, says Aunu Rauf, senior entomologist at the plant pest and diseases department of the Institute Pertanian Bogor in Indonesia,

According to Rauf, the mealybugs have decreased cassava production in West Java to 30-40 per cent, and if the same case happens to other places in Indonesia, the losses will reach 9.6 million tonnes per year. Indonesia’s annual cassava production is 24 million tonnes, grown in 1.1 million hectares of cassava plantations across the archipelago.

Mumbai loses 238 rain trees to mealy bugs

DNA, Sep 17, 2014

Mumbai has lost 238 rain trees to a pest attack in the last couple of months, stated a report compiled by the garden department of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).

As per the report, a pest called Mealybug infested more than 50 per cent of those trees which have died. It revealed that 500 rain trees across the city were infested by the pest, but after taking a host of measures, the civic body was able to save 262 of them.

“Initially, we thought that it was a temporary attack, which will be washed out in heavy rains, but the Mealybug population continued to increase rapidly, attacking more and more trees,” said a garden department official.

This problem needs to be fixed. This is the unstemmed devastation caused by these tiny bugs. Thus to combat this menace include the use of toxic pesticides which come with their own set of cons.

An effective and green solution needs to be devised to counter this destruction and C Tech Corporation has such a solution!

TermirepelTM is a non-toxic, non-hazardous insect and pest repellant produced by C Tech Corporation. It can be best described as an insect aversive. It is effective against a multitude of other insects and pests like mealybug, thrips, beetles, bugs, etc. It works on the mechanism of repellence and therefore does not kill the target as well as non-target species.

Being non-toxic, it does not harm the soil and environment. Termirepel™ can be added to a thin agricultural film to protect cotton and other crops.

Our product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like the tree guards and fences, agricultural films and mulches, irrigation pipes etc. to keep these pests away from the trees and crops.

The liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints and be applied on the concrete fence around the gardens and farms. The liquid concentrate can be applied to the interior and exterior of storage rooms used to store grains and other agricultural produce.

The product available in the form of lacquer can be used as a direct application and can be applied on the tree trunks, wooden fences around trees, crops, and farms, already installed pipes and polymeric parts from agricultural equipment like motors, tractors etc.

Contact us at if you have problems with these tiny bugs and other insects.

We have a solution for you for more details about our product just head on to our website-

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Ladybugs: Nuisance to homeowners

Ladybugs seem to be the latest topic of conversation; a conversation which tends to include many expletives. In the summer that sweet little red bug with the black spots has a tendency to make us smile when we see it flying around.

The Ladybug is bright red with a few black spots. Their heads are small and they don’t have that larger middle section that Lady Beetles do. They typically do not swarm into homes as you usually only see one true ladybug at a time. Asian Lady Beetles, however, are light to dark orange and have as many as 22 spots.

It is not uncommon to see adult ladybugs grouped together on the sides of houses and other buildings in the early fall as they prepare for the winter months. Soffit and gable vents in home attics are common entry points for the beetles, but they will come in any way they can. Any crack in windows, walls or the sides of doors is a welcome mat. If you see a few, you can guarantee that more will join them as they give off a scent meant to attract others and let them know that they have found a spot. Then they will work their way around the doors and windows looking for the tiniest of entry. Once they find it, they will likely move into a crawl space or attic and spend the winter in comfort.

Occasionally, you might see them make their way out of hiding on a warm day and perch in the sun on a window. They can get a little confused and instead of finding their way outside, they wander into the main part of the house. They release a foul odor that is a deterrent to other animals who might want to eat them, they have also been known to leave behind stains on curtains and windows of feces and a yellowish secretion when disturbed.

The ladybugs have been causing havoc with their presence and homeowners have suffered due to the presence of ladybugs in their homes!

Swarms of biting ladybugs invade Montreal-area homes

Oct 15, 2014, CBC News

The unseasonably warm weather in Montreal this week has brought with it blue skies — as well as swarms of biting, invasive ladybugs.

“One weekend in the fall, the air is thick with ladybugs.

She said she’s encountered them each fall in the three years she’s lived in the area.

At this time of year, Miller said, she gets pelted by ladybugs when she steps out of the house.

And it’s not just an autumn nuisance, she said. They’ve been burrowing into the nooks and crannies of her home for the winter, coming out when her family lights a fire and warms up the house.

She said she’s been bitten a number of times, and while it doesn’t hurt quite as much as a bee sting, it still hurts.

“Over the course of the day and well into the night, I was catching them in my bedroom and disposing of them down the toilet. I thought they were gone, but I’ve caught three of them so far this morning and can hear more bouncing around somewhere in the room.”


By Tap Vann on April 24, 2013, Weekly world news

The ladybugs were released in the Minneapolis mall in an effort to protect the large amounts of the mall’s greenery, but they soon became aggressive and attacked patrons of the mall.

Mall of America (MOA) Senior Manager of Environmental Services Bucky Wimby told WWN that the bugs were supposed to be used as pesticides to control pests, but “they became belligerent and attacked humans.  It scared the hell out of us.”

Three hundred people were taken to the hospital with serious wounds – including serious flesh wounds, broken bones and lung and respiratory disease.  Five people have died.

“We are stunned.  Ladybugs are docile creatures” said Wimby, who added that ladybugs have always been friendly to humans.

Insecticides and pesticides are used to kill these pests. Because of their mode of action is not specific to one species, they often kill or harm organisms other than pests, including humans. Also, the majority ladybugs are directly important to the environment. Ladybugs, or lady beetles, are considered a beneficial bug which helps rid an area of crop-damaging aphids, mealybugs, and other destructive insect pests.

The adult ladybugs feed on these insects.  They also lay their eggs among the aphids or other prey so the emerging larvae can feed on the insects, too.

So an effective solution is required to combat these ladybugs without harming them.

So, how do we deal with this pest?

So for this particular problem, we, at C Tech Corporation have come up with a viable solution.

At C Tech Corporation, we offer a safe and effective solution to deal with these insects. Termirepel™ is a non-toxic, non-hazardous product that primarily repels insects from the application. It is a broad spectrum repellent which works against almost 500 species of pestering bugs thus efficaciously repulse them away from the application. The best feature of this product is that it is environmentally safe and causes no harm to the insect as well as humans and the environment.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, ISO, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

The product available in the form of masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes, agricultural films, etc. while they are manufactured. The product will prevent the ladybugs from coming near to these applications.

The liquid concentrate can be mixed with paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of homes, kitchens, offices, schools, hospitals etc.

The product available in the form of lacquer can be used as a topical application and can be applied to wooden furniture, fences, already installed cables, pipes etc.

Using our products will help to repel the ladybugs in an eco-friendly way!

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

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