Allium Leafminer – A New Invasive Pest

The allium leafminer (also known as the onion leafminer) came originally from Central and Eastern Europe, where it’s a serious pest on leeks, onions, and chives. It has been spreading outwards in the last 20 years and is now found throughout Europe. Later, it was spotted in Lancaster County, PA, in December 2015, making it the first confirmed infestation in the western hemisphere.

The pest is seen targeting onions, leeks, garlic, chives, shallots, as well as green onions, with leeks being described as the most damaged host.

Leaf mining takes place mostly from April to May and from October to November. However, the damage is most obvious later, once rotting has set in, so is usually seen in overwintering leeks between December and February, and in onions in June.

One of the first symptoms you will notice on plants is wavy, curly, and distorted leaves, upon closer inspection, you will be able to see puncture marks along the sides of the leaves toward the distal end.

The fly larvae mine the plant leaves and move toward the bulb and leaf sheaths where they pupate. Exactly where they pupate in the plant may vary depending on bulb and leaf size. To check for larvae, the plants must be pulled out of the ground and the leaves pulled back.

Recent news reported is:

Allium Leafminer Makes Early Appearance

  • Apr 10, 2020

Penn State Extension photo Marks made by the female leafminer when she lays her eggs.

Leaf symptoms of adult allium leafminer activity were observed on scallion and wild garlic in Lancaster, York and Perry counties on March 17 and 18. This is about one month earlier than we normally see the spring flight of this potentially devastating pest of all allium crops — onion, shallot, garlic, chives, leek — in this part of Pennsylvania.

I have found adult flies and damage on scallions at the Penn State Research Center in Landisville and have noted increasing fly numbers and damage on chives, onions and ornamental allium in my home garden. Based on the amount of observed damage and the number of flies seen, the population is building and more flies will be seeking allium crops to lay their eggs in over the next few weeks.

Controls sought for pest threatening Black Dirt onions

By Judy Rife │Times Herald-Record │March 5, 2019

PINE ISLAND – Preliminary research has begun to identify controls for the allium leafminer, the new pest that poses a threat to Orange County’s signature onion crop, but the battle is far from over.

That is the message growers heard Tuesday at Cornell Cooperative Extension’s annual onion school, a day-long event held at the Pine Island Fire Department.

“The question everybody has that we can’t answer yet is ‘Will it cause economic damage to the bulb onion crop?’ ″ said Brian Nault, a professor of entomology at Cornell University, explaining the pest is still getting established.

“So far,” he continued, “seeded and transplanted onions have escaped, which is not the case with garlic, leeks, spring onions and chives where we have seen as much as 75 percent damage.”

Cornell’s team is working in tandem with a team at Penn State. The two universities received $325,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture last year to study controls for the leafminer over the 2019 and 2020 growing seasons.

New insect pest a threat to onion and related crops in Pennsylvania

By Chuck Gill │May 12, 2016

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — An insect never before found in the Western Hemisphere has been discovered in Pennsylvania, and agriculture officials are asking growers and home gardeners to help monitor and manage the new invasive pest.

“It is now present throughout Europe, reaching the United Kingdom in 2004,” Fleischer said. “It recently has been reported in Asia, Turkey, Russia and Turkmenistan.”

“High rates of infestation have been reported,” Fleischer said. “There can be from 20 to 100 pupae per plant, and 100 percent of plants in a field may be infested.”

Is there any solution available to combat these pests?

Yes, to get rid of these pests we have an eco-friendly solution!

At C Tech Corporation, we provide you with Termirepel™ which is an insect aversive repellent. Termirepel™ is manufactured on the basis of green technology. It is extremely low toxic, low hazard, non-mutagenic and non-carcinogenic insect aversive. Also, it is durable under extreme climatic conditions such as changes in temperature, rainfall, water pressure etc.

Our product is ROHS, ROHS2, EU BPR, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted. Our product will not kill the target as well as non-target species but only repel which helps in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth.

Termirepel™ is available in the form of a Masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer.

Termirepel™ Masterbatch is specially made for polymeric applications and used as additives in their processing time. It can be incorporated into the polymeric applications like the agricultural films and mulches, irrigation pipes, tree guards, greenhouse films, etc. used for crop cultivation purpose. The product can be incorporated into the cables, and other applications used for agriculture.

Termirepel™ liquid concentrate is to be mixed in paints in pre-determined proportion and can be applied on the concrete fences around farms. It can be used on the interior and exterior of storehouses used to store food grains and other agricultural produce.

Termirepel™ lacquer form can be directly applied to the applications such as wooden fences, already installed pipes, wires, cables, etc.

Our newly developed product is in the form of a spray. TermirepelTM insect repellent spray can be used by anyone and sprayed in farms, as well as the store rooms and warehouses. This spray is specially designed to combat the insect menace. We also have CombirepelTM pest repellent spray which can be used against a wide spectrum of rodents and insects to keep them away from an application.

Contact us at to get best solutions on pest nuisance

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Cockroaches – Everywhere!

Yes, the roaches irrelevant of which of the species they may belong to, they are undeniably among the most common pests found all over the world.

They are deemed as a nuisance because of several reasons.

They spread the filth and unpleasant odor in the surrounding areas as they usually leave in close association with people. They also ruin the food, fabrics, and book-bindings.

They disgorge portions of their partially digested food at intervals and drop feces. They also discharge a nauseous secretion both from their mouths and from glands opening on the body which give a long-lasting, offensive cockroach smell to areas or food visited by them.

The most serious reason of the nuisance is their ability to spread diseases. They have a potential of causing food poisoning in humans. They are also responsible for transmission of diseases like cholera, diarrhea, staphylococcus, streptococcus, hepatitis, typhoid and dysentery. They can also be a risk for people with allergies and asthma when they make their homes indoors.

Hence the nuisance created by them is the deadliest and cannot be avoided as they are found everywhere. There is evidence showing the nuisance of these nocturnal roaches. Let me mention a few of them.

‘Cockroach infestation’ found at one Houston-area restaurant

HOUSTON – KPRC 2′s Bill Spencer made his weekly rounds to restaurants in town to make sure they are keeping up to the health standards in Houston.

Inspectors discovered live cockroaches. One live cockroach found on the stainless steel wall behind the stove/grill area. One live cockroach found in the kitchen office area.

Restaurant cooked food in kitchen with 60 cockroaches in its microwave

22 Nov 2019

A restaurant was shut down after health inspectors found 60 live cockroaches inside a microwave in its kitchen. Parallel China Express in Kansas City, Kansas was temporarily closed by the Kansas Department of Agriculture after two failed inspections in late October and early November found an apparent cockroach infestation. The inspector found six ‘priority’ violations when they visited the restaurant on October 29, noting five live roaches in the dish area and 30 live roaches on the cooks’ line, on the wall and in equipment. Roaches were also found in holes in the ceiling and wall, behind the steam table and in reach of the cooler.

Going through the evidence one can learn that the roaches’ nuisance is not restricted to only one sector but is found in many sectors such as residential, hotels, airlines, etc.

Though the roaches are tropical in origin they are also found in the habitat where warmth, moisture, and food are adequate. The roaches are known for their extraordinary survival skills as they move towards the places where they find water.

Roaches usually live in groups. As they are nocturnal in nature they are active during nights and during the daytime, they hide in the cracks and crevices in walls, door frames, and furniture. They are also found in secure places like bathrooms, cupboards, steam tunnels, basements, electric devices, drains, and sewer systems.

The roaches also run from dishes, utensils, work surfaces, and floors in search of food in the kitchen areas. They make their way toward any water source including irrigation systems, swimming pools, and leaky water pipes or faucets.

Roaches are the important pests as they feed on a variety of food from starchy and sugary materials to the cardboards and nails of babies and sick/sleeping persons.

The nuisance caused by them is such great that they are also responsible for shutting down of many restaurants.

Hence to help alleviate or else completely eradicate the infestation we C Tech Corporation provide you with the best effective solution TermirepelTM. TermirepelTM is an anti-insect aversive developed on the grounds of green chemistry and technology.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects. The product impairs the ability of the insects to reproduce, that is the insects will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile. The product causes feeding disruption in an insect by triggering an unpleasant reaction within the insect which might try to feed on the application. The product temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

TermirepelTM is an eco-friendly product that acts as an aversive to repel the pesky insects like roaches.  TermirepelTM do not kill the targeted as well as non-targeted species but just repel them causing no harm no to human and environment.

TermirepelTM is available in the form of a masterbatch, liquid concentrate, and lacquer. Our TermirepelTM masterbatch can be used in polymer base applications like wires, cables, irrigation pipes, polymeric vessels, and other various applications.

TermirepelTM liquid concentrate can be mixed in the paints to cover the areas like cracks and crevices of walls and hidden places where the roaches tend to survive.

TermirepelTM lacquer is the topical coating to cover places like bathrooms, cupboards, steam tunnels, etc. And the spray is easy to use product that can be sprayed anywhere.

Hence we provide you with the best effective solution.

Contact us as to get a solution on pest nuisance.

Also, visit our websites:

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Bedbugs- a threat to human life

Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of the animals and humans usually at night. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies and have the size of an apple seed. After feeding their bodies swell and are a reddish color. Bedbugs don’t fly but move instantly over floor and walls. Female bedbugs lay hundreds of eggs size of a speck of dust over a lifetime.

Immature or undeveloped bedbugs shed skin five times before reaching the maturity and required a feed as blood before shedding. Under favorable conditions, they can develop in a month and produce three or more generations every year. Bedbugs are mainly active at night and bite humans when they are sleeping. They feed blood through their elongated beak and generally feed blood 3-10 minutes and crawl away.

Sometimes bites of bedbugs are painless at first but later on, leads to itchy sensation. Flea bites generally around ankles and bedbugs are anywhere on exposed skin and their bites have red spots, unlike flea bites, do.

Infestation sign

Once you wake up with itchy sensation in the skin then it may be bedbugs in your bed, and in used furniture around when it bites. Other signs are,

  • Bloodstains on pillows or even on bedsheets.
  • The dark spot of bedbugs on bed sheets and mattresses and even on walls.
  • Their a fecal spot, eggshell and shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide.
  • A bad odor or unpleasant smell from the bedbug’s scent gland.

Bedbugs can attach to clothing so always check the area around the bed like inside bookshelf, books, electronic devices, carpet even closet as well.

Bedbug bites to humans

Bedbugs discovered at Penn Middle School in Penn Township

By Patrick Varine   | Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Bedbugs are seen in a container from the lab at the National Pest Management Association, during the National Bed Bug Summit in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Bedbugs have been found at Penn Middle School in the Penn-Trafford School District.

District officials alerted parents Wednesday that a student was found with bedbugs on their body. No additional bugs were found in the student’s belongings.

When a professional exterminator and the district’s maintenance director began searching classrooms frequented by the student, no additional evidence of an infestation was found.

District officials said the exterminator will install monitoring traps, and if there are any signs of an infestation, the district will move toward a large-scale eradication.

“We will be monitoring this situation closely and consulting with the Department of Health,” Penn Middle Principal Jim Simpson said a news release.

Bedbugs feed on human blood, and are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adults have flat, rusty red-colored bodies that swell and become brighter red when they feed. They are about the size of an apple seed.

Their presence is not associated with the cleanliness of a particular location, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Bites from a bedbug are initially painless but turn to large, itchy welts after a day or so. Their presence can also be detected through the rusty red, blood-filled fecal matter they excrete on mattresses or other furniture.

Federal workers back in office after bed bug infestation

Published: Tuesday, October 15, 2019

OTTAWA – Federal workers who had been forced to work from home after a bed bug infestation were mostly back in the office Tuesday.

Last week, hundreds of employees stayed out of the building on Cremazie in Gatineau because of the infestation. They work for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

On Tuesday the union representing the workers emailed CTV News saying that all workers were back at their work stations after the bed bug treatments.

Workers on the third floor were delayed by a couple of hours on tuesday. That floor was the last to be treated for bed bugs.

The union also said the IRCC will be testing the building regularly and checking for bed bugs in other buildings it operates.

The union says it is also offering tips to employees on how to stop the spread of bed bugs at work and in their homes.

To get the solution, why not we opt for the low hazard, low-toxic, and eco- friendly products provided by C Tech Corporation.

At C Tech Corporation, we manufacture a product named Termirepel™which is an anti-termite and insect repellent. The product works on the mechanism of repellence and does not kill the target species but repel them. The product is effective against a broad spectrum of insects and does not cause any harm to humans and other non-target species.

Termirepel™ is available in the form of a spray, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, and masterbatch.

Termirepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment, etc. This would result in the final application being insect repellent.

Termirepel™ liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of the house, buildings, schools, ceilings, classrooms, staff rooms, washrooms, canteens, etc. to repel bedbugs and other insects from the area required as per need.

Termirepel™ an insect repellent spray is easy to use the product and compatible with most of the surfaces.

Termirepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as furniture, wooden articles, sewage pipes, wires and cables. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, concrete, polymer, ceramic, etc.

Termirepel™ wood polish additive can be mixed with wood polish and then applied on wooden articles and objects to protect them from insect attack.

Our product is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Hence by using Termirepel™, you can get rid of the bedbugs and other insects.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with bedbugs and get the best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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Pesky Lovebugs!

Ahh…..the lovebug! As you drive down the highways, you may encounter a nuisance in the form of splattered insects on your windshield, hood, and radiator grill. The nuisance may occur in joined pairs that are less than an inch long. Lovebugs can be a big hazard while driving. They love to swarm near roadways and as a result, cars that have driven through the clouds of these insects end up with decreased visibility and a need for a serious car wash! Although referred to as bugs these insects are actually flies. These insects often end up splatted on your windshield and front grill. Many of the cars coming off the highway are covered in insect gunk

They’re more closely related to biting midges and mosquitoes rather than other common bugs like grasshoppers or termites. Their bodies are black with redheads, and they’re usually seen in pairs. The lovebug (Plecia nearctica Hardy) is a species of fly that happens to flutter about as a male and female attached together. Both sexes are a dull black with a red blotch just behind the head.

Annoying to drive, they can swarm so thickly that driving through a cloud of lovebugs may impair your visibility while driving. There have been claims that the lovebug gunk, when left on the car, will etch the paint on a car. At times, the mating of lovebugs become so abundant in an area that they become a serious traffic hazard.

But why are they attracted to roads and vehicles? Lovebugs are attracted to automobile exhaust that has been irradiated with UV light (i.e., sunlight). It has been proposed that the chemicals in car exhaust, aldehydes, and formaldehyde, are similar to the chemicals released by decaying organic matter.Even heat is an attractant for lovebugs and heats radiating off asphalt may be attracting these insects. They love to swarm on automobiles as it a very good attractant for them.

Let us look at some evidence:

Pesky love bugs are back on the Suncoast creating a nuisance

Love bugs are back. (Source: WWSB)

May 12, 2020

SARASOTA COUNTY, Fla. (WWSB) – They’re back! love bugs are swarming across the Suncoast. They are here every year, usually for a month around May and for another month around September.

“We don’t like them, it’s a lot of work to keep them off our cars, off our paint and off of our windshields,” said Stacy Young, a Myakka Head resident.

Although they are a nuisance, an expert with UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County says they are harmless.

“They don’t bite, they don’t sting, they’re here for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to reproduce,” said Carol Wyatt-Evens, a Chemicals in the Environment Agent for UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County.

Bug off! Florida locals complain about ‘extra annoying’ swarms of lovebugs invading the Sunshine State in mating season, splattering cars and sidewalks
  • Millions of lovebugs are descending upon Florida and plaguing local residents
  • The pesky insects splatter their guts and eggs on car windshields and bonnets 
  • They swarm twice a year to mate but locals say this season is especially bad 
  • Experts agree but say swarms of the invasive species were worse in the 1970s


PUBLISHED:  9 May 2019

Massive swarms of lovebugs are turning Florida’s skies black as they descend upon the Sunshine State to mate.

Locals are calling it the worst invasion ever.

Despite their cute name, which comes from the insects flying around in mating pairs, they are a nuisance pest for residents.

Millions of lovebugs are invading Florida. The insects are attracted to the heat of highways and splatter their guts and eggs on windshields and bonnets

‘Instead of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, it’s the lovebugs,’ Okeechobee County resident Katrina Sheffield told WPTV.

‘They are absolutely everywhere. It’s horrendous.’

While they are around all year, the pesky bugs usually live underground and only form their dreaded swarms during their mating season in May and again in  September.

Attracted by the heat of asphalt and vehicle fumes on highways, the swarms madden motorists as their guts and eggs splatter on windshields and hoods.

They often fly into joggers’ mouths, get caught in people’s hair and force outdoor restaurants to close.

Their carcasses speckle homes, businesses and sidewalks.

What can be done when such unwanted guest is invading on our vehicles.

The current methods which are being used to combat such pests are fumigation and toxic pesticides to combat against this pest menace. Fumigation is tedious and expensive. These pesticides kill the target as well as non-target species.

This problem needs to addressed immediately.

We have a solution for you!!!

We at C Tech Corporation offer a solution TermirepelTM which is a non-toxic,non-hazardous additive that helps to keeps the lovebugs away from the vehicles. It is a broad spectrum repellent which works against almost 500 species of pestering bugs thus efficaciously keeping them away from the application.

Our products are available in the masterbatch, liquid concentrate(which can be mixed in paints in a predetermined ratio) and lacquer.

The product available in the form of liquid concentrate can be mixed with paints in a pre-determined ratio and can be applied on the interior and exterior of houses, offices, schools, hospitals, warehouses, etc. To repel these insects the product can be coated on the automobiles in liquid concentrate or lacquer form.

The masterbatch can be incorporated in polymer applications of automobiles to keep the pests away. The polymeric applications like wires and cables, pipes agricultural films and mulches, irrigation pipes etc. can be manufactured using our masterbatch.

The product available in the form of lacquer can be used as a direct application and used on most of the surfaces like wood, metal, polymer, concrete, ceramic. The lacquer can be applied on the wooden fences, metal decors, already installed applications like wires and cables, pipes, tree guards etc.

TermirepelTM spray can be used to spray around the vehicles and car bonnet to keep the bugs away.

Our product works on the mechanism of repellency. It temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects.

Termirepel™ is thermally stable and does not degrade on exposure to heat and sunlight. It does not kill or harm the insect but repels them. It does not volatilize and does not degrade the soil. It is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, REACH, APVMA, NEA compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Contact us at to keep the pests away.

Also, visit our websites:

Follow our Facebook pages at:

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Bedbugs on the bus

One would think bed bugs can only be found crawling around in mattresses.

Apparently not.

Yes, you can catch bedbugs from anywhere. Despite their name, bedbugs aren’t actually limited to beds and can live anywhere that’s soft, warm, and which has a regular food supply. While this means our beds are the perfect home for them as we sleep in them every day, bedbugs are resilient and can make a home on the sofa, in the carpet, in furniture showrooms, and on public transport.

A lot of people equate bedbugs with poor maintenance. That’s not true! Some of the best-kept homes, hotels…even buses… have had to deal with these parasites.

Buses, trains, and even taxis are ideal for bedbugs as they’re warm and sheltered, with a steady supply of food (that’s us!) coming and going all day long. As bedbugs need blood meals before they can lay eggs, they can rapidly infest seats on public transport and, on occasion, whole buses and train carriages.

About the size of an apple seed, bedbugs hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards, bed frames and any other objects around a bed. The risk of encountering bedbugs increases if you spend time in places with high turnovers of nighttime guests — such as hotels, hospitals or homeless shelters.

KSRTC fights bedbugs in its non-AC buses too

Christin Mathew Philip | TNN | Updated: Nov 8, 2019

BENGALURU: After air-conditioned (AC) premium buses, the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has begun treating bedbug-infested non-AC buses in its fleet.

Earlier, KSRTC had been fumigating only AC buses, but now the corporation has decided to extend it to Karnataka Sarige services as well. The move came after some passengers from non-AC buses complained about begbugs. Central Warehouse Corporation has been entrusted with the job of removing the bugs.

Video shows alleged bed bugs on SEPTA bus

A woman says she was on Bus 26 going to Torresdale Ave. when she was bitten.

By Anna │September 5, 2018

SEPTA officials are investigating after two unsettling videos emerged this week, depicting several brown bugs crawling over the fabric on the back of a bus seat.

One video was posted online Wednesday afternoon by Crystal Lopez, who says she was on SEPTA bus 26 to Torresdale Avenue Tuesday when she was bitten by what she believes are bed bugs. Lopez said she had her arm draped over the back of the seat when she suddenly felt a burning sensation. When she moved her arm, she saw the bites—and the bugs.

“There were over 1,000,” Lopez estimated, adding, “They were coming out of the cracks in the seat. It was a lot.”

So I would like to share with everyone what I experienced on the #26 #septabus yesterday this is disgusting this goes to show that septa is not clean you know how many people I’m sure took bed bugs home with them yesterday this is unacceptable I definitely made a complaint to the septa supervisor

Lopez quickly told the driver, who pulled the bus over and ordered everyone off.

To get rid of this menace, authorities seem to be spending a lot of money on bedbug control and eradication methods, but nothing seems to be effective enough.

To get the solution, why not we opt for the low hazard, low-toxic, and eco- friendly products provided by C Tech Corporation.

At C Tech Corporation, we manufacture a product named Termirepel™ which is an anti-termite and insect repellent. The product works on the mechanism of repellence and does not kill the target species but repel them. The product is effective against a broad spectrum of insects and does not cause any harm to humans and other non-target species.

Termirepel™ is available in the form of a spray, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, and masterbatch.

Termirepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like seating cushion, water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment, etc. This would result in the final application being insect repellent.

Termirepel™ liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of the buses, depots, washrooms, canteens, etc. to repel bedbugs and other insects from the area required as per need.

Termirepel™ an insect repellent spray is an easy to use product and compatible with most of the surfaces. A bedbug repellent spray is available which can be diluted in water and can be sprayed later as per need to repel the bugs.

Termirepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as seats, wires and cables, etc. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, concrete, polymer, ceramic, etc.

Termirepel™ wood polish additive can be mixed with wood polish and then applied on wooden articles and objects to protect them from insect attack.

Termirepel™ is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.

Hence by using Termirepel™, you can get rid of the bedbugs and other insects.

Contact us at if you’re facing problems with bedbugs and get the best remedies to combat the pest menace.

Also, visit our websites:

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