Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of the animals and humans usually at night. Adult bedbugs have flat bodies and have the size of an apple seed. After feeding their bodies swell and are a reddish color. Bedbugs don’t fly but move instantly over floor and walls. Female bedbugs lay hundreds of eggs size of a speck of dust over a lifetime.
Immature or undeveloped bedbugs shed skin five times before reaching the maturity and required a feed as blood before shedding. Under favorable conditions, they can develop in a month and produce three or more generations every year. Bedbugs are mainly active at night and bite humans when they are sleeping. They feed blood through their elongated beak and generally feed blood 3-10 minutes and crawl away.

Sometimes bites of bedbugs are painless at first but later on, leads to itchy sensation. Flea bites generally around ankles and bedbugs are anywhere on exposed skin and their bites have red spots, unlike flea bites, do.
Infestation sign
Once you wake up with itchy sensation in the skin then it may be bedbugs in your bed, and in used furniture around when it bites. Other signs are,
- Bloodstains on pillows or even on bedsheets.
- The dark spot of bedbugs on bed sheets and mattresses and even on walls.
- Their a fecal spot, eggshell and shed skins in areas where bedbugs hide.
- A bad odor or unpleasant smell from the bedbug’s scent gland.
Bedbugs can attach to clothing so always check the area around the bed like inside bookshelf, books, electronic devices, carpet even closet as well.

Bedbug bites to humans
Bedbugs discovered at Penn Middle School in Penn Township
By Patrick Varine | Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bedbugs are seen in a container from the lab at the National Pest Management Association, during the National Bed Bug Summit in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Bedbugs have been found at Penn Middle School in the Penn-Trafford School District.
District officials alerted parents Wednesday that a student was found with bedbugs on their body. No additional bugs were found in the student’s belongings.
When a professional exterminator and the district’s maintenance director began searching classrooms frequented by the student, no additional evidence of an infestation was found.
District officials said the exterminator will install monitoring traps, and if there are any signs of an infestation, the district will move toward a large-scale eradication.
“We will be monitoring this situation closely and consulting with the Department of Health,” Penn Middle Principal Jim Simpson said a news release.
Bedbugs feed on human blood, and are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adults have flat, rusty red-colored bodies that swell and become brighter red when they feed. They are about the size of an apple seed.
Their presence is not associated with the cleanliness of a particular location, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Bites from a bedbug are initially painless but turn to large, itchy welts after a day or so. Their presence can also be detected through the rusty red, blood-filled fecal matter they excrete on mattresses or other furniture.
Federal workers back in office after bed bug infestation

Published: Tuesday, October 15, 2019
OTTAWA – Federal workers who had been forced to work from home after a bed bug infestation were mostly back in the office Tuesday.
Last week, hundreds of employees stayed out of the building on Cremazie in Gatineau because of the infestation. They work for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
On Tuesday the union representing the workers emailed CTV News saying that all workers were back at their work stations after the bed bug treatments.
Workers on the third floor were delayed by a couple of hours on tuesday. That floor was the last to be treated for bed bugs.
The union also said the IRCC will be testing the building regularly and checking for bed bugs in other buildings it operates.
The union says it is also offering tips to employees on how to stop the spread of bed bugs at work and in their homes.
To get the solution, why not we opt for the low hazard, low-toxic, and eco- friendly products provided by C Tech Corporation.
At C Tech Corporation, we manufacture a product named Termirepel™which is an anti-termite and insect repellent. The product works on the mechanism of repellence and does not kill the target species but repel them. The product is effective against a broad spectrum of insects and does not cause any harm to humans and other non-target species.
Termirepel™ is available in the form of a spray, liquid concentrate, lacquer, wood polish additive, and masterbatch.
Termirepel™ masterbatch can be incorporated into polymeric applications like water pipes, wires, cables, polymeric equipment, etc. This would result in the final application being insect repellent.
Termirepel™ liquid concentrate can be mixed in paints in a pre-determined ratio and be applied to the interior and exterior of the house, buildings, schools, ceilings, classrooms, staff rooms, washrooms, canteens, etc. to repel bedbugs and other insects from the area required as per need.
Termirepel™ an insect repellent spray is easy to use the product and compatible with most of the surfaces.
Termirepel™ lacquer can be directly applied to the already installed application such as furniture, wooden articles, sewage pipes, wires and cables. The lacquer is compatible with most of the surfaces like metal, concrete, polymer, ceramic, etc.
Termirepel™ wood polish additive can be mixed with wood polish and then applied on wooden articles and objects to protect them from insect attack.
Our product is RoHS, RoHS2, RoHS3, APVMA, NEA, EU BPR compliant and FIFRA exempted.
Hence by using Termirepel™, you can get rid of the bedbugs and other insects.
Contact us at technical.marketing@ctechcorporation.com if you’re facing problems with bedbugs and get the best remedies to combat the pest menace.
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